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Carrie Carrie is the first member of RobRacing, and for good reason, she is our resident graphic designer and consultant. Also she is the first "non-founder" to sport a RobRacing logo (so I'd better make her a member!). Carrie and I became fast friends while I was in college and have kept in touch ever since. She was instrumental in developing the RobRacing logo and also helps me out with design on the website. Carrie drives a really cool 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec-V (I helped her pick it out). She calls her Zoe. Along with web and print design, she moonlights as a clothing designer and quilter. Samples of her work can be seen here: Nicole I'm still not sure how Scott met her, but I met Nicole when she, her sister Michelle, Scott, and I all went out for dinner one night in New Jersey. Well there was dinner, then there was the FunPlex! We go-karted and bumper-boated, it was fun. We also made a sculpture out of our leftovers from the restaurant, the waiter was quite amused. Michelle "Why's the Rum gone?" Well if you read above, you know how I met Michelle. What I didn't say is that she is really cool, and she can probably kick my ass. That is why I can only say this here, both she and Nicole aren't members quite yet, their applications are under review. Michelle also has a website, check it out here:
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